Topic: True North EX- Sept 2004
> From JamesSat Oct 23 11:58:20 2004
> Hi Guys,
> Sorry for the delay of getting in touch, but I've
> been caught in a blizzard of work since getting back
> and it has only now eased off. Well here in
> Brighton as winter closes in, it gets dark early,
> it's grey, it's crowded and it's alway's raining!
> So you can imagine how felt when Kev sends me an
> email telling me he's off to Fiji!!! Anyway I've
> got some of the moose pixs developed and at least
> they remind me of what life can be like when the sun
> does shine! Don't forget to send me some of your
> pixs particularly of social stuff the lunches and
> dinners etc. I don't have many of those. And also
> pixs from your continuing adventures. (I'll send the
> pixs in batches because I know hotmail fills up
> quickly).
> Keep in touch.
> zai jian
> tschuss
> later
> xxx
> James the Jaguar
> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/jpeg name=glacier lake
> ATTACHMENT part 3 image/jpeg name=treetops.jpg