Cont: Computer is down
So actually I cannot. I read through the HUB magazine. and dream all night about my new system.
Posted by AX
at 10:08 PM PST
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Updated: Sunday, 21 November 2004 10:33 PM PST
Wednesday, 17 November 2004
Diary: Computer is down 2004-11-16 Mood:
crushed out Topic: Miscellanous
My dearest bubby, my computer, a poor five-year-old, is finally down. Luckily, my photos, most of them, are backed up in CD-ROMs.
Since my computer is down, I have been walking mostly in Mission Area, and sometimes Burnaby Lake as well as Deer Lake in Burnaby.
Now I have to photo conservatively, so I am not going to fill up my compact flash card too quickly. That is hard, as the fall color in brief sunset is tempting me to capture them.
I am still indecisive of what configuration my next computer should have. I want a powerful one but I am unwilling to make a big investment on it. it will not last long anyway.
I wonder if I can wait until boxing day when all the great deal are. it will be another one and a half month.
However, I am a web-addicted person.
Posted by AX
at 4:06 PM PST
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Updated: Wednesday, 17 November 2004 4:16 PM PST
Saturday, 30 October 2004
Parade of lost souls Topic: Weekend Fun
This is the 13th year Public Dream Society produce Parade of Lost Souls. It becomes a tradition for the local East Vancouver residents come out in costunes on the last Saturday of October, around the Grandview Park on Commerical Drive. I helped set up decrocation during the day. Here are my photos.
Email from James the moose driver Topic: True North EX- Sept 2004
> From JamesSat Oct 23 11:58:20 2004 > Hi Guys, > > Sorry for the delay of getting in touch, but I've > been caught in a blizzard of work since getting back > and it has only now eased off. Well here in > Brighton as winter closes in, it gets dark early, > it's grey, it's crowded and it's alway's raining! > So you can imagine how felt when Kev sends me an > email telling me he's off to Fiji!!! Anyway I've > got some of the moose pixs developed and at least > they remind me of what life can be like when the sun > does shine! Don't forget to send me some of your > pixs particularly of social stuff the lunches and > dinners etc. I don't have many of those. And also > pixs from your continuing adventures. (I'll send the > pixs in batches because I know hotmail fills up > quickly). > > Keep in touch. > > zai jian > tschuss > later > > xxx > > James the Jaguar
> ATTACHMENT part 2 image/jpeg name=glacier lake swim2.jpg
> ATTACHMENT part 3 image/jpeg name=treetops.jpg
Posted by AX
at 9:23 PM PDT
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Updated: Sunday, 24 October 2004 9:24 PM PDT
Diary Entry: 2004-10-24
I always want to change my career path. Since I started working as a bench-tech, I think seriously about involving in health information system, as well as in arts.